Do 8 Year Olds Know How to Read

By Arctic Meta,

All parents want their kids to accept the all-time possible chance at success and will exercise just almost annihilation in their power to ensure it. One of the most significant advantages a child could possibly be given on the path to future success is a head commencement in reading.

Ever since humans commencement created written linguistic communication in effectually 3100 BCE , it has become one of the virtually valuable skills a person can have. Children are exposed to written linguistic communication almost from the moment they are born. It's all around them in their daily environments, and over time they learn how to decipher this language and give it meaning.

The better a person is at reading, the better their opportunities get later in life, only when exactly should kids learn to read? What are the specific milestones on their reading journey? How tin parents help?

Read on to detect out all this and more.

When Should Kids Learn to Read?

There'south no unproblematic answer to this question. It really depends on a lot of different variables, only near experts agree that the sooner a child is exposed to at least the concept of reading, the meliorate.

Reading to children, fifty-fifty from infancy, can assist them to discover language, strengthen parent-child bonds, and activate encephalon activeness that will help accelerate their evolution . The bottom line is that reading merely has positive outcomes, no matter what age a child is.

Reading Milestones By Course

The procedure of learning to read is different for everyone, but it does seem to accept some specific milestones that the majority of kids go through. Beneath are some of the most common stages kids go through on their journey to discovering reading.

Infancy (Up to 1)

Babies are beautiful picayune bundles of joy that don't seem to do much besides eat, weep, and exist the most adorable thing in the universe, but in that location'due south really a lot of learning going on behind those beautiful eyes.

Earlier a child is ane year old, they have already begun to empathise that gestures and sounds tin can communicate meaning . They are as well able to respond when they are spoken to and can specifically direct their attention towards a single person or object.

By the time a kid has reached the end of their first year, they might not have a huge vocabulary or even speak that much, but they can understand 50 or more words . It is at this age that a child is as well able to reach for books and turn pages with a little scrap of parental assistance. They might non know everything that is beingness read to them, but they get enjoyment out of stories being read to them and can express their joy through vocalisation and tapping pictures.

Toddlers (Ages 1-iii)

A young child learning to read

This can be one of the most rewarding times to be around a child. During the toddler years, kids begin to develop their own personalities and start to interact more effectively. Often toddlers love pretending to read on their ain, and information technology's commonly at this time that a parent might detect themselves reading the same book to them over and over again.

At this age, near children are able to pick out objects in pictures . If they are asked, "where is the dog?" they can normally notice it; they can as well expand on the information provided to them. Not only tin can they discover the dog in the motion picture, if they're asked what a dog says, they can correctly respond with a bark.

The globe of a toddler lives at the end of their index finger; they are able to point out things in their surround and can frequently correctly name a volume they know simply past seeing the cover. As this is the age of repetition , they can also usually terminate sentences when reading books they know well. This is also the age where they experiment with their ain version of writing or cartoon (scribbling), and oftentimes there isn't a safe surface in the home if they have a pen or pencil.

Early Preschool (Age 3)

A child's drawing of a family

Preschool is ordinarily a kid's get-go taste of a formalised pedagogy. They may have already learned it at home, but this is the place where they get more than confident with things like singing the alphabet song or knowing what letter their name begins with.

Belatedly Preschool (Age four)

Preschool children hands covered in painnt

As they go a footling bit older, they will starting time to form relationships between messages and sounds and besides understand the concept of syllables. This is also the time that they sympathize which direction their written language moves in (for European languages and English, this is left to right and top to bottom).

It'due south around this age that they tin can start to recognise familiar signs or labels from their everyday life. Ofttimes through song, they develop an agreement of words that rhyme.

Writing becomes more prevalent at this historic period. They will often experiment with writing words, using messages they are familiar with. The normal range of messages a child of this age should be able to recognise is betwixt xv and xviii (uppercase).

Perhaps one of the nigh heady developments at this stage is that they are able to retell stories that have been read to them, sometimes in great detail, sometimes with a lot of artistic license.

Kindergarten (Age 5)

A young child painting

When a child has reached kindergarten age, they are beginning to refine a lot of the basic skills they have adult . Not but can they retell stories they take been told, but they also possess the critical thinking skills needed to exist able to predict what might happen side by side in a story.

Their spoken language abilities greatly meliorate effectually this time equally they can begin to listen to and play with smaller sounds in their speech. They starting time to mimic the speech patterns they hear effectually them more finer.

By kindergarten, children tin write numbers, messages and some words; they can also recognise printed words that they are familiar with and are fifty-fifty able to define some of them.

This is also a phase of evolution where kids become familiar with some important identification details. They can accurately retell the who, what, where, when, why and how of a story or situation.

First & Second Grades (Ages 6-7)

First and Second Year Grade children learning to read

Once children have started school, things brainstorm to accelerate greatly. By the end of the second grade, most children are able to read familiar stories alone and use unproblematic punctuation. They know the difference between a full-finish (menstruum) and a question mark and tin can organise ideas or stories in a logical sequence with a showtime, middle and end.

By this time, kids are also able to "sound out" words they have never seen before and also use the context of the situation they discover them in to figure out their meaning. This is also the period where kids learn how to self-right . They can hear or encounter mistakes they are making with spelling, grammar or syntax and fix them equally they get.

Second and 3rd Grade (Ages 7-eight)

Third grade kids learning to read in school

This is the stage where kids get quite cocky-sufficient in advice. Their understanding of punctuation, spelling and grammar is greatly increased, and they tin can also empathise and use humour in writing .

At this time, they are able to perform tasks similar writing text messages or sending emails with predominantly correct spelling. They might even exist able to teach their parents a thing or two about how to effectively use emojis .

How Reading is Taught

A close up of a stack of books

Reading is actually an incredibly hard skill to master . Information technology'southward pretty much learning how to decipher a lawmaking. To exist able to turn characters on a folio into language that is understood, a reader must learn what each of the characters means, assign sounds that are associated with them and put it all together to form words, then pull from their existing vocabulary of words to determine the definition. See, it's really quite difficult.

The reason so many adults forget that reading is a complex process is considering most humans learn to read over the course of more than 10 years. It's done slowly over fourth dimension, so most people aren't even aware of just how much is going on at the fourth dimension they are acquiring the cognition.

How Tin can I Help My Kid To Read?

An apple resting on top of a stack of books

Kids inherently trust their parents and want to please them, then this can certainly make things easier when aiming to assist children acquire to read. One of the well-nigh obvious places to beginning is to read to them from a young age. However, studies show it can besides be beneficial to keep reading to them even later they have learned to read on their own .

Parents tin can also help their children with phonics; this is the power to make up one's mind the individual sounds in spoken words. Different languages have different phonic values, and some are more difficult than others. It tin can exist incredibly beneficial for parents to assistance kids with this. For example, the words rough, tough, and through all contain an 'ough', but in two of these words, this audio takes on an 'oo', and in some other, it sounds like 'uff.'

Listening to them read, assisting with sounding out words, and playing games are all useful tools. The important thing is to be available for questions and make information technology fun.

How Parents Can Help Teach Reading

How parents can help children learn to read

Reading out loud to kids is one of the best ways to give them a caput start . It'southward a pretty effortless manner to savour spending time together that also has some positive educational benefits.

A great thing to do is make sure to let the child set their ain pace and go on it fun. They should non feel as though making mistakes is a bad thing; it's just a bump in the road that helps them to learn.

From a young age, it's good to place a finger under the print of the book so that the child learns about the relationship between the words and how they acquit the story. Incorporating voices or characters will ever make this activity more fun and aid proceed children interested.

If in that location are pictures in the book, accept the fourth dimension before turning the page to wait at the pictures and see how they relate to the story. Accept the time to ask questions, signal things out and get their opinion on the images.

Over time, as they go more confident, encourage the kid to take over reading when phrases are repeated or to fill in a word at the cease of a sentence.

Call back, during reading time, there'southward e'er fourth dimension to answer questions. This helps to create a prophylactic and inviting space for kids, just it also can help them to discover new means to express themselves.

Most importantly, exist consistent. Read to them often, and keep reading to them fifty-fifty after they know how to read.

Learning to Read in School

Two children reading and colouring in together

A lot of study and knowledge goes into education children to read at school . At the first of formal instruction, it is normal that children have a wide variety of reading abilities. Some of them can already read, some not at all. The job of the school organization is to have this into account and take them 'all caught up as soon as possible.

Every bit a parent, it's of import to trust the school curriculum and understand that whatsoever actress reading done at home will merely amplify the piece of work that is already washed. It'south also important to remember that non every educatee learns at the aforementioned rate, and simply because a kid might not be grasping reading at the same level as their peers doesn't necessarily mean in that location's something wrong.

Good advice between the classroom and home is key to a positive learning experience.

Learning to Read at Home

A father reading to his baby on his lap

Every bit stated earlier, any form of reading done at dwelling house is only going to aid strengthen a child'southward reading ability . It can be as structured as a parent would similar to make it, simply a adept rule of thumb is to try to focus on making information technology fun.

By the time a child has started schoolhouse, a lot of their solar day is built around structured learning, so it's of import to make certain they are still enjoying what'southward going on if it'south not in the school surround. If at habitation reading feels too much like a class, most of the time, a kid volition hate it and just not want to participate. After all, it's basically the equivalent of what information technology feels like for an developed to take to exercise work at home in the evening.

Keep it light, keep it fun and make it more than about enjoying time together, and the rewards will come up.

Learning to Read With Distance Learning

Learning to read from home

As many discovered through the pandemic, online education tin actually work. This has also led to the evolution of some incredible online tools to help kids on their reading journeying.

Much like language learning apps like Duolingo , there are a whole agglomeration of applications out at that place geared towards exercising specific needs to help kids read. A great deal of networks and software can brand extra resources not simply affordable but likewise available to anyone that has an internet connection.

How Mussila Can Help Develop Your Kid's Reading

The Mussila Monster upside down

Mussila is an award-winning app that has revolutionised the earth of music pedagogy for kids. Information technology took applied science, expert cognition and the element of play and combined it into a virtual resources for both parents and schools to requite kids a complete musical education without the need to purchase instruments or fifty-fifty leave the business firm.

After the success of Mussila, its creators are getting ready to apply this same methodology to reading education with a new app called 'WordPlay.' WordPlay volition use the same principles to aid kids in their reading journeying. If this sounds exciting, make sure to follow Mussila on social media or check out the website to stay informed.


A row of books on a shelf

Learning to read is an integral skill for anyone. The exact journey of a reader is different for anybody, but at that place is no doubt that all exposure to books, reading and reading tools volition always accept positive outcomes for kids. And so find a comfy spot, open a book and unlock a world of possibilities for your kids today.


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